North Wales Sea Kayaking Courses and Guiding
The ISKGA Sea Kayaking Fundamentals - Level Two is aimed at Sea Kayakers wishing to build upon and improve their foundation knowledge in core Technical; Rescue; First Aid; Expedition; and Navigational Skills.
Course Outcomes:
The planned outcome is to further a participant’s understanding of technical strokes to assist in being able to control a sea kayak in more dynamic conditions. At this level participants are developing into more proficient members of a Sea Kayaking group. Level Two Sea Kayakers are able to assist in a variety of rescues; apply a greater variety of strokes; and demonstrate an understanding of how the effects of wind, wave and tide can be negotiated through effective paddle use and kayak control.
Trainer Qualifications: ISKGA Coastal Guide / Advanced Guide.
Environmental Conditions: Up to Beaufort F3. Sheltered / Moderate Waters.
Duration: 5 days. This can be completed as part of a multiday expedition. Can also be split into 2and 3 day blocks.
Technical Skills:
Where possible environmental features will be used to add context to the application of strokes. For example, viewing the inside of a cave by paddling backwards; negotiating gaps between rocks by using stern rudders and draw strokes, etc.
• Efficient Forward Paddling
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to display effective core body rotation and blade control in producing the correct power for the conditions and task. When paddling down wind/wave, the participant shall be introduced to the trailing paddle for both support and direction.
• Efficient Backward Paddling
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to display effective backwards paddling using the back of the blade and awareness of observation required as well as maintaining bow transits to assist in directional control.
• Static Turning
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to show positive core body rotation and paddle position by utilising correct blade angle, with a confident application of edge control, to enable an efficient turn whilst using sweep strokes. An application of ‘climbing blade’ angle to support the edging of the kayak and correct blade entry and exit should be re-enforced at this level
• Turning on the Move
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to apply effective strokes to turn a sea kayak on the move. Developing the ability to show autonomy of the bow/stern rudders; forward and reverse sweeps; application of inside and outside edging; and leaning the kayak to assist the turning action
Moving Sideways
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to show effective core body rotation and paddle positioning to progressively move the kayak sideways. This may include draws on the move, as well as hanging and prying strokes.
• Support and Recovery Strokes
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to show a confident technique of high and low recovery strokes; and bracing strokes in appropriate conditions.
• Kayak Roll
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to apply the fundamentals of a kayak roll and demonstrate effective paddle positioning along with coordinated body motion to achieve a roll in a flat-water environment.
• Rescues and Recovery
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to effectively rescue a fellow paddler using a variety of techniques and applying the principles of STOP and SAFER in more dynamic conditions, and will include:
Deep Water Rescue - Bow & Back Deck Carry - Unconscious Capsize Recovery - Scoop (Face Up & Down)
Towing Systems
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to show an understanding of various towing methods with and without a tow-line including ‘V’ Push/Pull; Contact tows; Short tows; Long tows; In-line towing; Rafted tows).
Expedition Skills
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to demonstrate an understanding of how to prepare effectively for a multi-day voyage.
Participants will build upon expedition skills learnt at Level One and become familiar with fire lighting; camp craft; shelter building; water hygiene; and basic foraging identification and techniques.
• Navigation, Oceanography and Meteorology
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to further apply learning in the planning of a journey in moderate conditions through their understanding of charts usage and tidal information along with relating weather forecasts and swell reports to form a realistic overview of a proposed trip.
Participants with explore wave formation by looking at different wave types and the way in which seabed morphology can affect wave shape, rip currents as well as look at the effect of wind on the surf zone.
• First Aid
The outcome of instruction will be that a participant is able to show ways in which they used to assist a qualified first aider in performing certain tasks to enable effective casualty care. This will be covered through scenario based exercises as well as using training aids such as Resuscitation Dummies.